MOTO - mail order / phone order
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Auszahlung & Rechnung
Rückerstattung der Mehrwertsteuer auf ausgefallene Forderungen / VAT reclaim
Wann werde ich ausbezahlt?
Was sind Chargebacks und Rücklastschriften?
Wie werde ich über Chargebacks informiert?
Welche Posten stehen auf meiner Abrechnung?
Rückerstattung der Mehrwertsteuer auf ausgefallene Forderungen / VAT reclaim
häufig gestellte Fragen (DE)
frequently asked questions (EN)
frequently asked questions (EN)
Why are you receiving this VAT accounting for outstanding receivables?
What is the contractual basis for the invoice?
Why doesn't Unzer or Payolution reclaim the VAT directly?
The assessment periods are already time-barred, is the adjustment still possible?
What is the legal basis in Germany?
What is the legal basis in Austria?
As a merchant in Germany, how do I get my VAT refunded?
As a merchant in Austria, how do I get my VAT refunded?
How did Payolution calculate the VAT portion of the shopping cart? / Which VAT rate was assumed by Payolution?
As a merchant, I sell items with a reduced VAT rate and the VAT rates assumed by Payolution are therefore too high. What should I do?